I will share with you an anecdote from my life. For me both of these stories demonstrate the feeling of privilege some people have and how they feel it is being taken away from them. I was sitting at my cubical at work, when one of the ladies I work with came by me. Our conversation turned to the health care debate, at this time the legislation had not yet passed. As our conversation unfolded she complained about the idea that she heard that with the health care reform she would be forced to wait longer to visit her doctor. The reason she felt she would have to wait longer is because more people would now be able to see a doctor, and she implied it to be more poor people. As I pulled back I ridiculed her as I said loudly, she does not seem to be bothered that some people cannot afford to see a doctor, but it would bother her that she may have to wait a little longer to see a doctor. Her reaction lacked any sort of shame or embarrassment, rather she felt she has a privilege that she must preserve even at the expense of her fellow man. This coupled with her stories of why she voted for Regan, because of the welfare queens driving around in there Cadillacs living off welfare, paints a picture of who she thinks will benefit from the health care reform. This to me is the essence of a Tea Party member.
Deep down inside there is a racist element to the Tea Party, and I know Glen Beck has found a way to expose and exploit that very element. This movement though is dead and in it last gasps, the demographics of this country are shifting. Tea Party members want to take America back to the ideals that no longer exist, that the majority no longer believe in. The 1950s are long gone and soon Mad Men will be off the air and that decade will be gone from our collective memories.
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