Sunday, November 28, 2010
Be Right Back
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Connectivity the new Social Status

I think today I will go in a completely different direction than some sort of political rant.
Today I read a profound statement and made me draw a hypothesis; Social Status is slowly becoming determined by connectivity, access to communication technology, rather than material wealth. When I speak of social status I mean the honor or prestige attached to one’s position in society. My thought has raised questions, such as why is connectivity influencing social status? What is so unique about connectivity that it can influence one’s social status?
One of the things I see as unique about connectivity is the ability to access information as well as disseminate it. Often information has been described as power, those who posses it have power over those who do not. Those who control access to information have the greatest amount of power, the gate-keepers can allow and deny anyone access to knowledge. In this respect connectivity has a profound impact on society as a whole, and gives the control a great deal of prestige in society. Simply having access to connectivity is not enough to change your social status, one must be able to utilize it, and if you are unable to utilize it you might as well not have access to it.
Why is connectivity becoming so important? I see it as becoming important because our world is becoming smaller with respect to the speed information travels. 71 days ago in Chile miners were trapped underground, yesterday and today we watched live as they were pulled out of the ground. I was so connected in such a way I could chose what language I heard as the miners were rescued. What in the not so distant past I would have had to wait at least a day to see the recorded images, today very little stops me from seeing actions as they occur on the other side of the world. I was only the receiving side of this access, I can also be on the giving side, If I am able to access and use communication I can send to you my reader my ideas. Ideas that I hope you go forth and discuss with your friends and turn some of ideas into a meme.
If social status is being determined by connectivity do we risk another Victorian Era, where connectivity is concentrated in the hands of a few and the rest must fight for what is left? Or do you think I am off my mark, do you think that connectivity is never going to influence social status; connectivity is not a part of social stratification? Tell me what you think, talk with your friends, your spouse your kids and your co-workers lets communicate and see what the world thinks?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Pandemic of Stupid
In just a few days America will get to carry out a bloodless coup, and then we will see how bad this pandemic will be. It feels to me this year in particular has more than its fair share of stupid people running for office, including some not running for office but saying stupid things. What seems to appeal to the Republican base, more specifically to the Tea Party, is this whole anti-intellectual, anti-elitism strain of politician. The base of the GOP is nominating people who are simply stupid, and this year it is a bumper crop of stupid. It seems to me that if a political party relies on a base composed of anti-intellectuals, is seems to track that soon those same people will try their hand at governance. Sarah Palin, Christine O’Donnell and Michelle Bachman have tried to corner the market with their stupid anti-intellectual gibberish, O’Donnell trying hard to shed her witch image by making commercials saying she is one of the voters. The Republican party is soon to find itself in a no win situation, with the way their primaries are going lately the only people able to run through the Republican gantlet are Tea Party members who try and out stupid each other in order to Identify with the lowest common denominator. Soon we will see how easy it is to win in the Republican primary, but how hard it is to win in a general election. I do not think that most of the Tea Party candidates will lose because of their conservative stance. Everyone is entitled to their own ideology, rather I think they will lose because deep down inside most voters realize being a politician is not an easy job, and it is not one that should be so casually given to anyone who is stupid and demonstrates their stupidity time and time again. So let’s hope that the smart people prevail in November so we can move past this Tea Party with no hangovers and next morning regrets.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Send in the Clowns

Brazil went to the polls on Sunday and elected a clown, Tiriricia, to congress with 1.3million votes. He won with the most votes of any candidate with the slogan “it cannot get any worse.” Tiriricia admitted that he does not know what a congress man does, but promised to report back what they do. Maybe Brazil’s electorate chose to reward honesty, which politicians are often derided for not possessing, by voting for Tiriticia. The question is could Brazilians have done worse? I think they could have, had they embraced the American style of Political Clown.
The American Political Clown is today embodied by the Tea Party candidates. Christen O’Donnell is such an easy target from her position on masturbation, to the latest ad where she tells her viewers she is not a witch. Sarah Palin is also another easy target for all of her clown like statements like Death Panels. Also Joe Miller, one of Palin’s minions. Miller believes that every bill must cite where in the Constitution grants the federal government the right to make that statue. Miller’s political philosophy is the one that everything the federal government undertakes is somehow unconstitutional, like the Health Care reform. Miller chose to ignore the parts of the Constitution, the clause that calls for congress to insure the general welfare of the people, and the necessary and proper clause. Miller must think each is independent and works in a vacuum from each other. Like Tiriricia, Miller really has no idea how congress works or what a congressman does, but he does believe he should be the benefit of its welfare in the form of farm subsidies and a congressional paycheck.
The group of politicos currently in office is not much better, and still seem to know less about what is going on in congress than any other ordinary citizen. The Republicans in congress have made a Pledge to America, that is nothing more than a rehash of the Contract with America that sweep Republicans into office in 1994. This time short on specifics, but long on denouncements, the pledge bashes deficits but wants to extend the Bush taxes. Extending the tax cuts would drive up the deficit another 4 trillion dollars over the ten year period, and would have nothing to show for it, no roads, no bridges, even the ones to nowhere, nothing but a whole in the budget. This crew panders to those who somehow think that you can increase revenues by cutting off your source of income and starve the rest of the government to death.
So yes Tiriricia, it could get worse, Brazil could be saddled with Americas Clowns and that would be much worse for everyone. By the way Tiriricia, if you are reading this, I have a friend who can help you with your illiteracy all you have to do is send him five US dollars and he will write you back on how to beat illiteracy. But do not worry, must members of congress do not read the proposed Legislation here anyway, given more than a year and they cannot finish a 1000 page doubled spaced printed in a font for the hard of seeing, and still manage to claim it was shoved down our throats.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Paris Hilton Tax Break
I shocked someone recently with my answer for why I thought the Bush era tax breaks should end. I do not hide the fact that I am a liberal to anyone, and when asked a question, sometimes my answers get stereotyped. When I said I think the tax breaks should end, the other person said, “I am sure it is because you think the rich should pay more.” I answered “no, increasing taxes by 3% is such a small amount I cannot understand why anyone would chose to fight over it.” I find it hard for anyone to defend extending the Bush era tax cuts, especially considering how small the actually increase will be. Those who advocate leaving the tax cuts in place ignore evidence that they are the cause of the budget deficits. David Stockman, the legendary Reagan budget chief who presided over the Gipper's supply-side tax cuts, announced that the "debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts." Former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan, who famously helped sell the 2001 Bush tax cuts to Congress, declared them simply "disastrous." Even Republican experts can see that ending the tax cuts can only be beneficial, but there is still a strong vocal minority in Congress that believes the cuts should continue.
For me the most incredible tax almost all right wing nuts are against is the dreaded ESTATE TAX. I find it incredible hard to believe anyone can be against a tax they will never be penalized by and can only benefit from. The group of people that are against the estate tax are the group of people that have little to no hope of ever making it into the class that will pay this tax. The fact that only 2 out of 1000 estates will own any tax, why would the other 998 fight to free them of the burden, only to inevitable have their income tax or some other tax increased to make up the short-fall of no estate tax. This is where my answer to my friend baffles him and forces him to agree with me. First the mega wealthy have ways of passing on their wealth to the next generation and rarely have the whole estate tied up and taxed. Second, I cannot see how anyone can complain about inheriting one billion verses two billion dollars, while that is a lot of money; keep in mind that the heir did not earn it. Rather they were lucky enough to have the misfortune of being born into a rich family and fortune smiled on them.
Again it simply does not make sense to me to be so up in arms over a tax that will not affect the vast majority of people. I think we have better issues to take and complain about, especially the sales tax and other crazy taxes the state gets away with assessing to us. My final word and food for thought, why should people that go out and work and sweat pay more in taxes than those who have it fall into their laps.
Monday, September 27, 2010
…but who is the Brain?

I think I shall jump off of one band wagon and on to another one, by beating up on America’s favorite punching bag of this election season, Christine O’Donnell. Of the crazy things said by Christine O’Donnell has said this is pretty funny.
"American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains." - Fox News's The O'Reilly Factor, 2007.
I find it hard to believe she thought “Pinky and the Brain” was a documentary on the lives of mice with fully functioning human brains. I mean who could believe two mice with British accents could have such straight teeth?
I can see O’Donnell being mistaken for Pinky especially in that nice dress, but the real question is who is the Brain of the Tea Party? Can it be Sarah Palin? Maybe, but I think she may refudiate that label, even though she may think she is smart enough to take over the world.
How about Mike Huckabee? I, think that is impossible, after all Brain is a scientist, and Mike still believes in the Theory of Harry Potter, the talking snake and the spirit in the Sky. So Mike is not the Brain of this operation.
Newt Gingrich seems like more of a credible candidate; both are short, fat, white guys. The only problem is Brain seems to be more loyal than Newt, I mean Brain is still with Pinky after all these years, and Newt is working on wife number three. I suppose this would be that same disqualifier to Rush being the Brain.
So reader who took time from your busy day to glance at my Blog, who do you think is the Brain if O’Donnell is Pinky? Leave me a comment and why they could or could not be the brain in the comments below.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
I seem to have disappointed some
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Folksy Fascism
I have decided that I too will jump on the bandwagon of comparing people whose political Ideology I do not like with Fascism. I was inspired after reading about Dr. Seuss; we need to bring back “folksy fascism” to describe what Sarah Palin, Tea Party people and now Christen O’Donnell. I can think of no better term to use to describe this group of people. They are determined to force the rest of us to accept and live by their “higher” standards, as if they possess the right higher moral code. These folks want us to believe they have all the right answers, even answers to questions that never existed.
Christen O’Donnell has exploded on to the political scene after many failed attempts, failed attempts at the hands of more rational people. She, like other religious fascist, thinks that all aspect of human sexuality needs to be controlled. Sex to them seems to be an area they have not issue allowing the government to intrude into our lives. Not Health Care though, that place the sanctity of the Doctor-Patient-Health Insurance is more sacred than the Home or Bedroom. They believe that the proper place for the government is to regulate what we do with our bodies or what we put in it, but not to regulate what corporations do with our environment or put in it. It is nothing more than a brand of control, a selling of ourselves so they can feel good about something.
This is folksy fascism, this “oh gosh darn, how is that hopey changy thing working for ya?” This is what the Tea Party ultimately wants to bring to us. They think we need to be saved from something, and they know what it is and how to save us. I hope that we continue to push back and point out the crazies and call them what they are “Folksy Fascists”
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Palin the Accidental Politician

Maghan McCaine describes in her new book "Dirty Sexy Politics" her reaction to hearing her father's choice for Vice-President, "Who the hell is Sarah Palin?" Her reaction is probably the same one most of us had when we heard Sarah Palin's name for the first time. From that moment forward Palin cemented her legacy in the political mind of America.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Fable of the Bees

I was inspired from the Blog The Big Picture to read the "Fable of the Bees" and how it relates to what is currently going on in the US economy versus Germany. More to the point it deals with the paradox of thrift, the idea that the more an individual saves, the less the whole group saves overall. Broadly the increase in savings will harm the over all economy. To me it is a no brainer, as long as people are out buying stuff, what ever that stuff may be, then in turn it keeps people making, shipping and selling that stuff. But during a recession, people panic and business lay-off as consumption slows. And here is where the paradox sets in, as people try and save more, they naturally spend less, and as the spend less more businesses panic and lay off more workers. While saving for the future, we are in turn killing that future.
Sunday, August 29, 2010